Creating a Signature Look
In my opinion, one of the biggest indicators of true personal style is having a strong signature look or uniform. Just think of Emmanuelle Alt or Kate Bosworth who have very defined ideas of their own style and can often be seen in slightly different versions of their signature look.
Finding the right signature look is no easy feat; you need to boil down all of your favourite things into a handful of essential items and at the same time consider your lifestyle and body shape. But once you have found it, your signature look is an original combination of functional and aesthetic elements that perfectly represent your style and, essentially, you. You don't necessarily need to have a precise idea of your personal style to choose a signature look; a uniform can actually help you refine your whole style concept because working with the same rough combination over and over again allows you to develop, polish and customise it until it's perfect. Of course, it's also the ideal remedy for hectic mornings when you don't have time to think about what to wear.
If you are new to the concept of uniforms (or you need a new one for this season), look for some inspiration, maybe create a mood board, and then come up with a rough idea of key items you want to combine. Don't forget to consider jewellery and shoes. Your signature look might change, e.g. between seasons and if you wear totally different clothes at work, you should also create a separate work signature look. My uniform used to be some sort of body con dress with long sleeves, tights, boots and a leather jacket. Right now, I'm still into leather jackets and ankle boots, but I usually pair them with jeans.
Once established, your uniform should receive priority treatment whenever you are experiencing wardrobe draught, for example after a big closet detox, or when planning wardrobe additions for the next season. Ideally, you would own at least 3-4 different versions of each key item so you can mix and match them and create a range of different outfits. Below is a sample uniform for someone who's into blazers, flowy tees, ankle boots and skinny jeans (all items are from Topshop).
What is your signature look?
*images via